03 March 2025

CENTURY Institution Settings

The fields on the CENTURY screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
CENTURY Organisation ID The institution's CENTURY organisation ID, such as 76f16e45-802b-4d3a-aa1c-effe393f16c2.
CENTURY API URL The CENTURY API URL, such as https://connect.century.tech/api/v1.
CENTURY API Key ID The institution's CENTURY API key identifier, such as hslc2vq9wa.
CENTURY API Key The institution's CENTURY API key, such as 8102f70c-029b-48a3-8370-89c05eaa0ee6.
CENTURY ebs User The username of the ebs account. For example, centuryintegration.
CENTURY ebs Password The password for the ebs account. For example, cXmnZK65rf*&DaaD.
CENTURY Email Address for Error Messages The email address where any errors that occur when creating CENTURY accounts in ebs: ontrack Hub are sent. For example, centuryadmin@hesslewoodcollege.ac.uk.
CENTURY Default Cohort The, optional, default cohort that learners will be selected when creating a CENTURY account in ebs: ontrack Hub. For example, Hesslewood College 24/25 Cohort.
CENTURY Default User Password The default password for CENTURY learner and staff accounts created in ebs: ontrack Hub.
BETA CENTURY Learner Matching View The Data Miner view that is used to match on CENTURY information. Note that you can change this to a user defined view if the institution matching criteria is non-standard.
BETA CENTURY Bulk Initial Assessment Load from Date The date from which ebs will retrieve completed IA results. The default setting is 01/08/2024. Subsequent workflow runs will update this setting to the current date.
BETA CENTURY Academic Year Only consider the selected year equal or greater for syncing to CENTURY.
BETA CENTURY Course Membership View The Data Miner view used to retrieve students and teachers from Curriculum items to sync to CENTURY Classes.
BETA CENTURY Register Membership View The Data Miner view used to retrieve students and teachers from Register Event items to sync to CENTURY Classes.

The Initial Assessment Attainment Type on General (Cross-System) must be set to Initial Assessment to import Smart IA results from CENTURY.